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Master Weaver Helen Manygoats, c. 1945

by Master Weaver Helen Manygoats


This rug measures 47" x 69", c. 1945, excellent condition.

Master Weaver Helen Manygoats wove this as a relatively young lady. Her art would develop but this is an early piece that suggests the great things to come. She employs a 3 column layout that was common in the 2nd quarter of the 20th century but no longer. The black arrow-shaped elements top and bottom, center would evolve with Helen. See Plate 50, p. 191 of "The Master Weavers." The center element of that 3 column is classic Helen Manygoats. The single use of golden brown in the very center puts a smile on the face of this rug!

This rug could also be interpreted as a Storm variant. There is a central element with terracing out to the four corners. The variation is the lack of a connecting line in the terracing to the central element.

Item Name: 2501500094MWHM19451 Master Weaver Helen Manygoats, c. 1945 Price: $0.00